Les points de repères

Avant de passer à l’application de la structure et des proportions à nos dessins de figures, nous devons apprendre les repères sur le corps. Les premières étapes d’un dessin de corps impliquent généralement de mesurer soigneusement et d’identifier le...

How to draw gesture

This is the first tutorial of the Dynamic drawing series. And it’s probably one of the most important. In this lesson I’ll be covering “gesture”! So what exactly is gesture anyway? Gesture, rhythm, motion, action, flow – these are all words that are used...

Learning to Sketch from Imagination

Pick an animal, a bug, or some kind of creature, and find several reference photos to use as inspiration to sketch a new character. Don’t copy the photos. Feel free to explore with proportions and exaggerate or simplify things to make it your own. Do multiple...

Learning to Sketch from Observation

Use the three reference images of clean line drawings and sketch them using simple loose lines. Don’t try to match the cleanliness of these drawings. Instead, sketch them out with energetic, tapered strokes. Don’t hesitate. Just practice moving your arm...

Intro to Lines

So, you might be thinking that.. a line is just a line. Right? NO! IT’S NOT JUST A LINE. IT IS SO MUCH MORE THAN THAT! When drawing in black and white, every line you draw has a shape, value (how light or dark the shape is), and edge (the transitions of the borders)....