street art on canvas workshop

Dive into the world of urban art and create your own personalised canvas!

Unleash your creativity for two hours and benefit from the advice of a professional artist with our street-art on canvas workshop. Bring out your inner artist and create your own personalised work. No experience is necessary, just the desire to learn and create in a friendly atmosphere. Ideal for decorating your walls or as an original gift.

Course of the street-art on canvas workshop

Course of the street-art on canvas workshop

We welcome you to our creative workshop with its vintage and street art atmosphere for your introduction to canvas creation. You’ll meet the artist, who will show you the techniques and the different stages involved in creating your own personalised work. Familiarise yourself with painting, poscas and graphic forms over a cup of coffee or tea, and explore your artistic talents. Our artist will be on hand to give you all the techniques and advice you need to turn your ideas into a real work of art on canvas. At the end of the workshop, our artist will take care of the final touches. Admire your work and leave with your own creation!

  • Demonstration by the artist of the different methods and techniques.
  • Choose your style, colours and graphic elements to embellish your canvas.
  • Start creating: everything is available for you to create a unique work.
  • create your stencils or letters
  • Our artist will guide you through the various stages of creation.
  • Admire your work and leave with your personalised canvas!


No cancellations possible, modifications up to 24 hours before the event. From 10 years old

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